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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The German Rail Museum

As I said earlier, I will talk about each of the museums/attractions we went to separately.

The rail museum was really interesting because it talked about the history of railways all over the world, not only in Germany. They also had a replica of the first German steam locomotive, which was actually made in England. It also had some other original locomotives and Emperor Maximilian the 1st's personal carriage, which was so richly furnished. There was one 'room' with two beds and another with a lounge and some armchairs. There was even a small carriage that had a kind of sunroom in it that was attached to the main carriage.

There was also a lot of information of how the trains were used in the Second World War. This included things like trains carrying troops to the western front, transporting Jewish people to concentration camps and how the English would target the German railways in bombing missions.

Lastly there was an interactive area including large model railway outlining all of the German railway operations, a series of model railways showing how a station might have changed over time and various interactive things like a driving simulator and a mock junction where you can change the signals and other tings.

In all, the rail museum was really interesting because of the variety of stuff in it ranging from the begging of the railways in Germany, to the two World Wars and then modern times.

Posted at 8:46pm

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