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Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursay Arvo & Most of Friday

Thursday arvo we went to the Acropolis Museum to look at all of the original statues from the Acropolis and other pottery and bronze items. Some of the things were amazing, though unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take photos. there were Two main levels and a lower one which was the entrance. The museum was built on an archaeological site so there are sections of glass on the floor where you can look down into the excavations. On the second floor there are models of what the Acropolis would have looked like at different time pieces. There are also a lot pf original statues from various places. The area of the third floor is exactly the dimensions of the Parthenon, with room to walk around it, so that all of the artwork from Parthenon can be displayed as it would have looked.

Friday we went wandering around more and went to the old Temple of Zeus, though not much of this remained. We also saw Hadrian's gate, which was built in memory of what Hadrian had done for Athens. We also saw an arena that was the stage of the first Modern Olympics and the archery and end of the marathon in the 2004 Olympics. We went for a wander in the National Gardens (Greece's version of the Botanical Gardens) and saw many strange things, especially a fight between a pigeon and a rooster. After this we went to the parliament house and saw this:
This is a parade of palace guards outside parliament house.

Thanks for commenting Scott, great to know coles is being so convenient. Hope you eventually get to see Harry Potter. Good to know that Luna Park was fairly worthwhile (maybe) and that you are enjoying the sermons. See if you can get others signed up so that they can comment.

Oh yeah, sorry for the confusion but is seems that the time on my posts is Sydney time not Athens time or the time wherever else I am.

Hope your collective weekends are good and that the conference on Monday goes well.


Thursday 18 of November - Quote
" Does the sun still rise in the East in the Northern Hemisphere?"

Me, sadly, during a massive blond moment.


  1. Get your times right! lol. I'll get onto them to sign up - just sent them all messages.

    My comment disappeared! Thought i was gonna have to write it again :S.

    new photo looks pre mad! not everyd ay you see Army officers patrolling the streets. It reminded my of my dad's cousin, who in Thailand, saw a security guard with a gun and misunderstood the "enter" greeting with the "stay away" greeting & didn't stop moving until he heard the gun load. lol.

    yeah, hopefully the conference goes well. We are catching a train in & meeting Wydbrow there. We have been forced to stop for coffee though. Will comment on monday and tell you all about it :) i know your disappointed you can't make it :(

    100%, with all this ancient stuff, u will ace Ancient History next year! The historicness of it is pre amazing. Although, bet u the fight between the rooster & pidgeon has been the highlight yeah?

    Hope everyones going well & Gemma finds all the "secret passageways" around your accomodation places :). Keep posting!


  2. Who won the pigeon and the rooster fight anyway?

    How's the food been , I know it sorta sounds like a weird question but you can't just comment on the really interesting stuff. Try and appreciate the" boring "stuff while your over they're.

    Alexanders already seen Harry potter 2x , and he's planning to see it 7 times(at least).

    To tell the truth Luna park was crap, the lines were way to big. Belinda leabeaters mom complained about it.

    Bowling on Wednesday was really good , Minh and Alexander sort of forgot you were gone. James barnes also had the most AMAZING shot.

    Speaking of james he is currently an honorary prefect due to your absence .

    Hope your enjoying Greece at the moment.. Please post more photos!!!

  3. Hello alex, good to see that your trip is going well. The conference today went well; there were some good speakers, and it was a nice break from "the Program" the school has been running, which isn't too bad.

    From what i've read so far, youv'e been to greece only. Do people speak much Greek there? Sorry if these questions have been answered. How long are you in Greece for?

    (Say hello to some greek gods for me)

  4. Oh my gosh, I just saw the picture of the lego greek architecture,COOL. And yes I have seen HP 7 twice and it is so awesome, true to the book as well, which is important.

  5. P.S. If you look at the legs only on those guards in the photo, they look like stormtroopers.
