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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Acropolis - Wednesday Arvo & Thursday Morning

Went to the acropolis after the last post. Had to pay to go in so just walked around it on Wednesday arvo. Rained quite a lot while we were walking around so we had to shelter for a while. Everyone was tired and jet lagged so we returned to our accomodation.

We returned to the Acropolis on Thursday morning and went in to have a look at the Acropolis, etc. and discovered the Greeks invented Lego. This one's for you, Alexander.
(This was the overhang from the roof of the entrance to the acropolis)

After the Acropolis we investigated some Greek and Roman ruins, coming across a bust of Lord Voldemort.

 Talking of Voldemort, has anyone seen Harry Potter yet? If so, how is it?

Anyway, just resting up before going to the Acropolis Museum which has all the original statues from the Acropolis.

Waiting to hear from people and hope school and stuff is good (seminars, hahahahahahahahaha...  ... hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!).


By the way, I got my phone number wrong. It is 001137257916593 (go to to text me for free, if you hadn't heard). Also, Dad changed the time on his laptop so it is now in Athens time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like ur having an awesome time!! Isn't it great how u can find HP related stuff all around the world???

    All's good here. Seminars are super boring, Luna Park was ok, i guess. Fully packed out with other schools - lines were huge! We got the Leader Day on Monday, so hopefully thats alright. Still got alot of stuff to do at school though - everyones really giving up but:)

    Nah, i havent seen HP yet, so pissed :(. Was wanting to see it this weekend (NOV 20-21) but Coles made sure i couldn't :). Oh well, money's good. Alex L saw it & thought it was pretty good, so im still excited. Hopefully soon.

    Glad ur having a good time. Im following ur Blog now, so u better keep me posted often :). Where are you off to next??

