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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sorry for lack of posts (again)

We are currently in Nepal and are constantly being amazed by the craziness and basicness of Kathmandu. We have electricity, though only for 12 hours a day (it is switched off at various times during that day according to a schedule). Internet is also quite sketchy, when there is no electricity internet goes on and off and it is still bad even with electricity on. Because of this I don't know when my next entry will be. If I can't post, at least I will still be able to tell you in around a Fortnight, as I get back on the 25th.

Talking about getting back I was thinking that when I get back we you could all come over or something. I am thinking of the 27th, 28th or 29th. Could you please tell me which days suit you so I can organize it and get back to you. Also could you please contact Cameron, Minh, James and William and see if they would like to come over as well. It won't be big and might be short but it will be good to catch up before school.

The British museum was as amazing as it sounds, mainly because of the diversity of things in it. The justifications were things like 'protecting the statues from the weather', 'placing the statues at eye level instead of up on a building' and 'putting the statues in "world context" instead of just with other Greek artefacts', They were really shocking. There was also another sign saying that a different British explorer while looking for Assyrian ruins had been given a letter (though didn't say who, sneaking suspicion that it might have been someone from England) to "take any pieces of rock that he might see use in" i.e. take anything you want, they don't matter to anyone... except us. At the end Jonathan and I were slightly sad that we didn't have anything like the museum in Australia and that we probably couldn't take an excursion to the British museum.

Anyway, I am starting to get a bit travel weary and I think we all may want to get back to Australia a bit. Can't wait to catch up with all of you once we get back and hear about your holidays and things like NCYC etc. Hope to post and hear from you soon, but, as I said before, it might be a few days before that happens.

Posted at 8:25pm.


  1. I'm sure you'll be happy to be back in your own home. The museum sounds great!! That's crazy, you jumped from England to Nepal in just a few days, with no warning at all. What is Nepal like? How much have you benn hearing about Australia?

    We look forward to seeing you! :)

  2. Nepal sounds cool, id like to go there one day.

    Museums always seem to have a problem with justification, theres always some conspiracy.

    Im not sure with work, but ill tell you as soon as possible.

    I would suggest going to the movies, but all the movies out at the moment suck.

    see ya soon
